10x One Hand Clap Push Ups | Lionel | Bondi Beach
10 great form One Arm / Hand Push Up set.
Please check out my extreme body weight / calisthenic tutorials:
Human Flag – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0Yz8y73Nc8
Muscle Up – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7eLZAhggIA
Front Lever – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9B1gYcGErQ
One Arm Chin Up – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGHUfi5N98g and many more to come!
For more great tips, pics and training tutorials, visit my:
Website: www.marcusbondi.com
Instagram: @marcusbondibeach
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@RealspitHiphop604 Dude, one handed push ups are meant to be with feet that far apart, if you can balance yourself with feet together to do them, then you sir, must be a fucking beast,
check mine guys im only 14 😉
im not at all impressed anymore. i used to love this, but legs are so far apart that this is too easy… i can do 10 on either arm with my legs much closer together, if i did it like that i could do a lot more :L i will get round to a video response.
I can do 3 lol
Alsom job man keep it up
Have you all learned nothing? All of these pushups are shown from Bruce Lee’s 2 finger pushups. In the video he has his legs far apart but not so far of which your leg is sticking out to the whole side of your body. Plus I bet half of the people who learned how to do this is from watching Bruce lee. Most say: “It’s harder to get your legs closer,” Are you trying to show off your strength? Most people can’t even hold their own weight on 1 arm. Be glad you can do them but do not try to show off…
very impressive strength but that is a great way to fuck up your wrist 🙁
i got a seizure from his hand landing on the ground lol
even with legs open this is hard as fuck dumbass…you try it with legs open
It is much harder with legs closed, with open legs its much easier but with legs closed it is a tougher challenge which also challenges balence I got a vid of some of these on youtube they’re hard suckas
Btw i am only 14 check out my video of one handed pushups
This is badass, but you won’t enjoy the arthritis.
idiot. -.-lll
I do it with closed legs.
i can do it without my legs spread apart hes cheating its suposse to be a shoulder and chest work out not a leg workout
i know this is a 3 year old comment but, not even pro bodyweight champs can do clap versions with legs together or close to… even a strict legs-dead-together 1arm pushup for a few reps is a killer and few people can actually achieve it with decent form… i’ve done a couple and i’ve been in the lifting game for many years in various forms, and still, form was shitty
show off!!!
It’s funny how people hate so much in the comments, I bet they cannot even do a normal push up!
not at all… just practice.. from day 1 of working out i couldnt do 5 push ups… in 3 months push ups were too easy… so i wanted progressions and a 1 arm push up was the goal… just constantly trying a few times a day and failing and doing negatives with 1 arm and then pushing up with both hands… it didnt take long to actually do the 1 arm push up + claps
you can do them with legs close together.. just need solid core control, there further apart your legs the easier this actually is..
I can do them too ;D
I’m 18 n I can do it 10x
Yo I can do that here hold my bear
I am 13 and I could do about 15 of them.
yeah buddy, sure you can
I am only about 120 pound so I am pretty light. Also I am training calesthenics.
oh ok, that makes some sense then… personally it took me lots of weight on the bar and on my weighted dip so that i could do 8-10 these at 200lbs of bodyweight
i recently found out about this excercise… i was doing clap pushups, superman pushups and other weird pushup sets and i thought it up (i thought i found a new excercise on my own) but i found out it’s a fairly known excercise amongst callisthenics ppl
Ali Aboutaleb it’s still hard when you’re skinny
I recently tried these babies out of my own imagination after maxing out on 1arm pushups (30 reps each) and reching x1.6 of my bodyweight in bench press for a couple reps and decided to go out and see if somebody else had thought of it… turns out it’s fairly common as an idea… huh, who wouldda thought
btw, this guy’s good!
alejandrothefader I swear I thought i made this one handed pushup clap up myself – you tube is called Izzi eez if you care to look lool
Legendary warrior..
what the fuck this guy is sick
I can do that to
wrong form! the legs are too wide!
and the elbow is to outside