How to Spot a Rip Current

Views 3471135 likes 0 Dislikes 0 How to Spot a Rip Current Rips are complex, can quickly change shape and location, and at times, are difficult to see. The things to look for are deeper, dark-coloured water; fewer breaking waves; a rippled surface surrounded by smooth waters; and anything floating out to sea or foamy,…


Views 4929 likes 0 Dislikes 0 HOW TO STAY SAFE under the AUSTRALIAN Sun! Australia is one of the hottest countries on the face of the earth, people audibly crackle under the sun. The only things which enjoy the constant heat are Spiders, Snakes, Scorpions and Germans. ? SUBSCRIBE & Join the Adventure ? ————————————————————————…

Stay Safe on Australian Beaches – English

Views 2637 likes 2 Dislikes 2 Stay Safe on Australian Beaches – English The following video is to help you stay safe on Australian beaches. It has been designed by Professional Lifeguards to educate visitors on the most common issues they see and how to avoid them. Stay safe in the water, get the right…

Danger Rip Current: Instructional Guide

Views 527143 likes 0 Dislikes 0 Danger Rip Current: Instructional Guide Footage used on The Weather Channels show, So You Think You can Survive? Sunday Aug 17 2014 Rip Currents are one of the leading causes for deaths related to swimming in the ocean at the beach. Here is a basic look at what and…

FREE Beach Safety Program – Bondi Surf Club

MIGRATION TO SEA Bondi Surf Club is running a FREE beach safety program for adult migrants on Sunday March 20 at 10am. The program will teach participants basic safety information about the beach, involving a one-on-one session with a Bondi Surf Lifesaver · How to identify a rip · What to do if you get […]