BONDI HIPSTERS – Customer Service
Adrian and Dom, work at one of Bondi’s coolest retail fashion stores. They are particularly big on customer service.
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What´s the naam of your guys´ store?
I don’t get it. Thought that was a pretty good price. (?)
You guys are hilar!!! Defo won the gay vote! Keep em coming.
nick is trent from punchy
“i went to white revolver last night dj wristy was going off” hahahah
cash, credit, or savings???
ChristiaanvanVuuren’s replies get sooo many thumbs up— something mainy must be going on.
“dj wristy was fucking going off” lmaoooo
That is the stock man
make this into a tv show i will watch this brah ! totes!!
dj wristy lol
“Free Laces W. Every Pair Of Shoes! ” 😛
Billabong? Ewwsies.
“My Adrian’s mum”… Explains why Aids is so f*cked up.
no joke i went to urban outfitters and i waited at main check out desk for 5 minutes before anyone even came…..o well at least i got my w-neck for lolla…first part was totes serious tho
0:50 is Rick from The Online Gamer !!!!
aka TRENT!
lol NTD Television st 0:54 awesome
I have lived in Bondi after moving to Sydney 10 years ago, I’m not a hipster, I either buy my clothes from Target or Just Jeans and I am a “chunky” size 12 woman saying all that my boyfriend has evolved into being a hipster and has hipster friends. Can we please have a Bondi hipster girl on here to give me some tips on how to fit in with hipster women 🙂
Conar, should have been you Salvador Dali shirt.
Totes funny boys
oh, its Phoenix!
Hey, what a great video!
Hahaha! Got the indifference downpat!
why more people have not viewed this is a travesty
If this was truly Bondi the customer would have paid happily at the end without thinking twice…