IF YOU WANT ME TO STAY by Sly & The Family Stone

Views 2303374 likes 494 Dislikes 494 IF YOU WANT ME TO STAY by Sly & The Family Stone *Enjoy the particularly long ending of Soul Train, the longest ending I have ever seen* YOU KNOW THIS WAS SOME SONG BACK WHEN…….PARTY WITH THIS ONE. GREAT PURE FUNK!!! REMEMBER BACK WHEN” I KNOW IT FEELS SO…


THE LIFE ORGANIC A song about trying to be healthy and maintain a balanced social life in the big city… Bondi Hipsters on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BondiHipsters SONG: Written by Christiaan Van Vuuren and Lance Gurisik Performed by Christiaan Van Vuuren and Nick Boshier Produced by Lancelot (www.soundcloud.com/lancelotofficial or www.facebook.com/lancelotofficial) MUSIC VIDEO: Shot by Jan Reichle Produced…

BONDI HIPSTERS – Shopping in Bondi

BONDI HIPSTERS – Shopping in Bondi This is what happens when you go shopping at a “trendy” Bondi fashion retailer. http://www.facebook.com/BondiHipsters http://www.twitter.com/DomandAdrian http://bit.ly/BondiHipstersGooglePlus Views 344302 likes 31 Dislikes 31

BONDI HIPSTERS – How to Pick Up Chicks in Bondi

BONDI HIPSTERS – How to Pick Up Chicks in Bondi Dom and Adrian give us a free lesson on how to pick up chicks when you go out in Bondi. http://www.facebook.com/BondiHipsters http://www.twitter.com/DomandAdrian http://bit.ly/BondiHipstersGooglePlus Views 273075 likes 40 Dislikes 40

BONDI HIPSTERS – Customer Service

BONDI HIPSTERS – Customer Service Adrian and Dom, work at one of Bondi’s coolest retail fashion stores. They are particularly big on customer service. http://www.facebook.com/BondiHipsters http://www.twitter.com/DomandAdrian http://bit.ly/BondiHipstersGooglePlus Views 328734 likes 28 Dislikes 28