BONDI HIPSTERS – How to Pick Up Chicks in Bondi

Dom and Adrian give us a free lesson on how to pick up chicks when you go out in Bondi.


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34 Responses

  1. yeah. the information is focused on how
    fast you move through an interaction w/
    girls lyk u, from the 1st meet her until
    the moment ur sleeping w/ her. hehe. Ive
    learned from it at the program:

  2. I swear this was a sincere message to all Bondi barbies at white revolver. That wasn’t Dom speaking, that was Christiaan..

  3. are you kidding? IS that really in The Game? That you point out a small flaw to make them feel insecure and thus want your approval? Ha! Good on these guys for calling it what it is: misogyny

  4. These guys are funny
    but a bit late right?! 
    that book was written like more then 10 years ago , 
    boys in my school use to go on about it back in 2005 . 

    1. +Mickie McC Have you read it before? Girls are still dumb at 18 as they were 10 years ago. Same shit applies, just a new crop…

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