Bondi Beach Surf Carnival Australia 1938 (1938)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit People parade on the shore while lifeguards the oarsmen of surfboats, drive into heavy crashing surf Full Description: AUSTRALIA: Sydney: EXT BONDI BEACH Surf Carnival – Lifeguards launch boat-in slow motion LIFEGUARDS (Life-savers) Lifeguards launch boat (in slow motion) at Bondi Beach Carnival Sport; Entertainment…
IF YOU WANT ME TO STAY by Sly & The Family Stone

Views 2303374 likes 494 Dislikes 494 IF YOU WANT ME TO STAY by Sly & The Family Stone *Enjoy the particularly long ending of Soul Train, the longest ending I have ever seen* YOU KNOW THIS WAS SOME SONG BACK WHEN…….PARTY WITH THIS ONE. GREAT PURE FUNK!!! REMEMBER BACK WHEN” I KNOW IT FEELS SO…
BONDI HIPSTERS – Customer Service

BONDI HIPSTERS – Customer Service Adrian and Dom, work at one of Bondi’s coolest retail fashion stores. They are particularly big on customer service. Views 328734 likes 28 Dislikes 28

Views 1416667 likes 85 Dislikes 85 YOU SHOULD BE DANCING Bee Gees **The Whistle in the background for those who think it is annoying, “that was the thang back then, Many people brought whistle even in dance clubs”, it was, what it was, it was the thang back then. (yes the jive turkie(s) blew is…