Crazy Fit Muscle Girl Bangs Out Dragon Flags | Alena | Bondi Beach
Say ‘Hi’ to Alena – a local Bondi Beach trainer who has really stepped up her core routine! Follow Alena’s great fitness / butt/ leg training tips Instagram: @alenatomsejova
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Please check out my extreme body weight / calisthenic tutorials:
Human Flag –
Muscle Up –
Front Lever –
One Arm Chin Up –
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making me ache just watching..excellent
I can do this and im fat 0-0
Not going low enough and too much stress on the neck
so fucking hot
Never seen a girl do dragon flags, even with partial ROM. Very, very impressive.
Very cool! Where exactly is this? I’m guessing California? I would love to come to one of these work shops. I’m in New York but MIght be going to San Diego for a week in January.
+BoxtrainUK Ahhh yes, i noticed the accent now. On my list of destinations. Have always wanted to go to Australia
Interesting, I don’t think I’ve heard ‘Alena’ pronounced w/ a soft ‘e’ before.
So Hot!
0:17 The guys thinks anyone can do this and then quickly walks off after five or six pullups
Not Pull Ups, dude did Chin Ups… lol
wants some arm pump for the ladies on the beach!
Yes chin ups, looked like he blew his arse after doing only 4 lol.
I don’t know for sure, but I’d hazard to say that only half of all 25 year old males could do more than 2 or 3 pull ups.
lol the doofus in the background! does 4 chin ups then jogs the beach lol
+lia nelson I can do 2 chin ups ;(
That girl is bad!
I feel weak now
well… more like “half” Dragonflags… try going near parallel to the floor 😉
yep. disappointing vid.
not even one full negative.
On dragon flags don’t you typically go like an inch off from parallel to the bench?
yeah, but her abs probably aren’t strong enough to go that low and come back up. She’s still essentially doing a dragon flag, just not at the most difficult level
i got a question, i try to do them but if i do i make a “:certain sound” out of a “Certain place” what can i do to prevent that?
avoid cabbage soup before working out….seriously though, it has never been a problem for me, just focus on using your abs for most of the movement
i didn’t mean that sound from a that certain place. Cabbage soup? I have never even heard of that ! XD
+MJsGuardAngel Is a recognised fart fuel.
Nice form, great body.
Even of this is “cheat” version of a dragon flag, it’s still useful. I plan to add this to my routine. Thanks for posting.
elle som motivet
All the form police saying she is doing them wrong…. Look at her abs…now, look at yours……now, shut the fuck up.
I agree but what makes them harder is if you go all the way down to an inch before your lower back touches the bench and then go back up
SXS66 that is bruce lee level thing to do, everyone doesn’t have that much core strength! she is doing it much better than many faggots who claim to be experts!
that’s pretty impressive consider how women carry more of their weight towards the lower half of their body compared to guys.
+kenpachi zaraki … i see what you did here.
good point.
I’m sure I’d hurt my neck if I tried that. I’m not that flexible.
Please check out my extreme body weight / calisthenic tutorials:
Human Flag –
Muscle Up –
Front Lever –
One Arm Chin Up –
?rain?rs ?r? ?alling this new sup?l??ement st??k “the ultim?t? steroid ?ltern?tive” be?ause of th?? ridiculous r?t? th?t men taking it ar? ??cking ?n mus?le ?nd shr?dding f?t… Craz? Fit Muscl? Girl Bangs Out Dr?g??o?n Flags Alenaaa Bondi B???h
how do I get a body like hers?
Melonbat train hard
+Spades340 that sounds too easy. I want to look exactly like her because I’m fat and ugly. Give me advice.
thaaaanks, goooood
Y?u w?nt it ?ll: gr??t?r ??rf?rma??n??, gr??t?r f?t l?ss, ?nd ?ee??l?siv? gr?wth. R??d ?n t? disc?v?r m?o?r? Cr?z? Fit Muscl? Girl B?ngs ?ut Dr?g?n Fl?gs ?l?n? B?ndi B??ch
Well done Alena
thus is will lead to herniated disc or facet syndrome
She doesn’t “bang” them out but still, good work, keep working at it so you can start going all the way down