Surf in Bondi Beach

Surf session in winter on Sunday 9 July in Bondi Beach in Sydney. Surf in Bondi Beach Views 128 likes 0 Dislikes 0 #bondi #BondiBeach
Before you go Surfing Lesson

Before you can begin to Surf there’s some things you need to know before you even get into the water. Things such as what a rip is, how to make a box and eventually stand on your surf board. This lesson from O’Neills in Cornwall will help you to prepare before you even get to…
Surfing Bondi

First time using my gopro in Bondi’s clean blue water. music: covered in chrome/ violent Soho. Surfing Bondi Views 480 likes Dislikes #bondi #BondiBeach
A First-Timer’s Surfing Lesson – Shaw TV Victoria

Shaw TV’s summer intern Meg Cuthbert gets a surfing lesson (minus the waves — this is Oak Bay, after all) and learns more about International Surf Day A First-Timer’s Surfing Lesson – Shaw TV Victoria Views 2495 likes 1 Dislikes 1 #bondi #BondiBeach
Tramore Oceanic’s Surf School

A typical day at Oceanics Tramore Oceanic’s Surf School Views 2300 likes Dislikes #bondi #BondiBeach