10 Most Dangerous Beaches In The World

From a beach overrun with predatory sharks to the most undesirable and toxic beach in all of Europe – here are ten of the most dangerous and vile beaches on the planet! Subscribe For New Videos! http://goo.gl/UIzLeB 10: Cape Tribulation Cape Tribulation is one of the most volatile beaches in the entire world. It’s located…

Beginner Surf Lessons at the Gold Coast, Australia

Have you been wanting to learn to surf? Then let the team at Get Wet Surf School on the Gold Coast help! They’ll have you standing up in their beginner surf lessons held on the beautiful Main Beach in Queensland. See what you can expect in the lesson above and book your spot online with…

The Drew’s Surfing Lesson

The Drew family comes together for an early morning surf before a family wedding. The Drew’s Surfing Lesson Views 88 likes Dislikes #bondi #BondiBeach

The Scharfenberg’s family Surf lesson

Tad’s birthday, turned out to be a family event taking a surf lesson in Laguna Beach, CA. With Goff Tours The Scharfenberg’s family Surf lesson Views 47 likes Dislikes #bondi #BondiBeach

Surf Lesson – McNamara Experiences | The McNamara Surf Trip (Legendas PT)

Pawel Torbus, winner of one of the McNamara Experiences, experiencing a surf lesson with McNamara himself. “It’s insane how many different waves you can find in Portugal. It’s so amazing to experience the portuguese summer, it’s like a never ending summer! C’mon, it’s October, it’s 30C outside, and even in my 3/2mm wetsuit I am…