WORLD’S BEST BEACH BODIES – Bondi Calisthenics & Street Workout Girls & Guys Body Weight Video

WORLD’S BEST BEACH BODIES – Bondi Calisthenics & Street Workout Girls & Guys Body Weight Video Bondi Beach has the most exciting fitness and lifestyle culture in the world and this clip features the highlights of living life in the sun, sea, surf and sand, surrounded by the blue Pacific Ocean. Visit the stunning home…
Fit Chicks of Bondi – Pull Up Comp @ Bondi Beach Bar Brutes

Fit Chicks of Bondi – Pull Up Comp @ Bondi Beach Bar Brutes The Second Series is released!! Fit Chicks of Bondi Part I. Thanks for all the views! This Channel promotes a healthy & active lifestyle. The more fans, followers and shares we have, the more videos we’ll produce! We now have a…
AcroYoga at Bondi Beach, Amazing Skills

Views 5111 likes zero Dislikes zero [ratings] AcroYoga at Bondi Beach, Amazing Skills Video Credit: Stan Veniaminov
Learning to Surf in Bondi

Program starts Sept 2013 Learning to Surf in Bondi Views 296 likes 0 Dislikes 0 #bondi #BondiBeach
WORLD RECORD MUSCLE-UPS *OFFICIAL GUINNESS* You wont believe how many… | Jarryd | Bondi Beach

Views 829354 likes 0 Dislikes 0 WORLD RECORD MUSCLE-UPS *OFFICIAL GUINNESS* You wont believe how many… | Jarryd | Bondi Beach OFFICIAL World Record Muscle-ups video. Completely verified by officials and by Guinness World Records. AWESOME WORK. TRAIN WITH TUTORIALS BY OFFICIAL GUINNESS WORLD RECORD HOLDERS! THANK YOU FOR WATCHING MY CHANNEL! ?Buy my training…

STRONG GIRL DESTROYS ROPE CLIMB | Chrissie | Bondi Beach Chrissie smashes the notorious Bondi Beach rope climb. TRAIN WITH TUTORIALS BY OFFICIAL GUINNESS WORLD RECORD HOLDERS! Please check out my extreme body weight / calisthenic tutorials: Human Flag – Muscle Up – Front Lever – One Arm Chin Up –…