Fit Chicks of Bondi – Pull Up Comp @ Bondi Beach Bar Brutes
The Second Series is released!! Fit Chicks of Bondi Part I.
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Why kipping
Everyone there is hot
Is the blonde girl doing chinups in a pullup competition? :’)
I find it funny that they just play along
Half the pullups DO NOT qualify as U S Marine Corps DEAD HANG pull ups! Not fiction but fact from Capt Clark’s Almanac, USMC retired at 54 and can still do 20 DEAD HANG PULL-UPS!
they realy need a new, or old cameraman . They need a good one is what i’m saying.
fuck this shit
Oh yeah they’re so “fit”, do six kipping pull ups and you can self proclaim that you’re fit apparently.
+Craig W Please post of video of you doing more. 🙂
+Craig W For women 8 pull ups is a big deal actually. I’m not saying that they can’t do more but they are not build with that upperbody strength like men. So RESPECT!
Mehee !!!!
Come to Ukraine
Home to the real thing !!!!
I can do a horizontal pull up. In my bed. Asleep. lol.
+Cassandra CannotSwim Lmao :v
The Second Series is released!! Fit Chicks of Bondi Part I.
Really, blondes are the fittest and strongest babes!
+MultiSexterminator Dana Linn Bailey
+Jordan Taylor Yup! She is a natural blonde too (fake brunette).
How does being blonde make you any fitter..?
Not fitter but blondes are overrepresented in professional sports (not in leisure sports and fitness of course).
Guess women think pullups and chinups are the same thing huh….
teccoxetto don’t say women
Chin up comp.
made me dizzy the way it was shot and or edited
but content is great
what’s the track called anyone ?
That one lady didn’t extend her arms all the way. I call foul. Lol
I shoulda been here. Send me an invite next time lol
She surpassed the feminine marine perfect score (8 pull ups), good job!
The one arm stuff…. more about technique or strength?!?
Wow those reps were pretty bad.. I didn’t realize it was this hard for women to do pullups
4.51 No shave!!!???? a cavewoman
I dont shave either. Its a waste.
waste of what?
chin ups are not pull ups, horrible form. Using legs does not count.
they said that chin ups and pull ups were different competitions and nobody really gives a crap how you do the chin up just get your chin over the bar, yeah its bad form but its still a pull up/chin up if you go from a dead hang to a chin over bar
Only in the West!
Glad to see you guys are expanding the positivity down there. Love seeing the the promotion of healthy lifestyles. Good on everyone for getting out there and sharing what you can do. Better than typing away behind the computer 😉
In general, even fit women don’t work hard enough throughout their lives lifting heavy objects. They’re not expected to and they let others do it even if they have the chance. Buy a fridge at Home Depot or Lowe’s, and chances are, a female employee isn’t going to volunteer to help you load it into your truck. It’s not because they can’t develop muscle. A woman’s legs are just as strong as a man’s, because those legs have been holding up a lot of weight for decades. The same is not true for a woman’s arms and back. How many women do you ever see working for a moving company? It takes years to develop those muscle fibers. If women worked their arms and backs as hard as women marathoners work their legs and stamina, you’d see more women with better form on these upper body exercises.
goes around comes around …this was big in 1950’s and 60s
Lets get something straight… HANDS/PALMS AWAY from your face is called: A PULLUP!!! HANDS/PALMS TOWARDS the face is called: A CHINUP!!!
They are NOT THE SAME!!! CHINUPS are much easier… If I have to further explain why? Then, you should just stop working out…
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one thank you for the gift and another for the thought
such a generous gesture on your behalf
sincerest thanks/appreciation
I wish there are more people like you