tragic asthma attack on Bondi Beach

North Bondi’s best overacters show how to treat a 5 year old suffering from an asthma attack.


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33 Responses

  1. Hey I dont know if you guys are allowed to give 02 but and patient sort of breath should be on 02. Also, positioning is VERY important. never lay some one flat who is Sort of breath. a tleast semi sitting…hope that helps

  2. @brendant555 yea i heard it too, at first i thought maybe she culdnt get the age right cuz shes panicking, but it sais 5 year old in the description.

  3. That cup of tea thing will not always work because when I had an azmhtza atack and I couldn’t even swallow it was so bad!

  4. To all the people saying that this is fake an offensive u do realise that this is a training session and the reason it’s like this is because they have to train the life guards for any situation and if u guys heard the aloft said that the person having an asthma attack was five so obviously thee acting this out to train the lifeguards use you fuking brains

    1. its just a simulation of how to treat a 5 year old having an asthma was told in the description below can u read person!!@

  5. If she was my daughter I wouldn’t stand there say all day Oh my god x100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 and she’s not 5 years old she looks like 20 year old this is so fake

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