I am a devoted visitor to your channel! But growing sceptic really….a planet that big should bee more noticable….even at nighttime! Impossible to hide in my world….Why is there no more pictures? How about some heat imageing? Infrared?
Something strange is going on, thats for sure and Nibiru may be out there….but maby it has not arrived yet?! Who knows?! What about that bright light in the southwest, I can see it in the evening in Sweden….high in the sky near the constelation of sagitarius….its huge!
+Geoffrey Howlett ….why the chemtrailing infront of the sun? Why is the sun acting strange with odd shapes and forms? Something is absolutly wrong with our world….Why all the vulcanos erupting and all the uptick in earthquakes? Something is very wrong…..the Bible is clear on this matter….its the last days!!! How many is unclear but IT is sure downhill from where we are now!
One second or one minute ? Even though the shape is similar to an aliens’ vehicle not like a helicopter or a jet. I did zoom in. If it isn’t. That’s something so secret like a vehicle from Area 51
Because information of aliens vehicle are similar to this shape despite Lights appear from the sky and identified as illusions. Even though this shaped vehicles seen are unanswered. So those look like this.
good catch!
I am a devoted visitor to your channel! But growing sceptic really….a planet that big should bee more noticable….even at nighttime! Impossible to hide in my world….Why is there no more pictures? How about some heat imageing? Infrared?
Something strange is going on, thats for sure and Nibiru may be out there….but maby it has not arrived yet?! Who knows?! What about that bright light in the southwest, I can see it in the evening in Sweden….high in the sky near the constelation of sagitarius….its huge!
+Geoffrey Howlett ….why the chemtrailing infront of the sun? Why is the sun acting strange with odd shapes and forms? Something is absolutly wrong with our world….Why all the vulcanos erupting and all the uptick in earthquakes? Something is very wrong…..the Bible is clear on this matter….its the last days!!! How many is unclear but IT is sure downhill from where we are now!
+endofsociety its quite new, never seen IT before…..what is IT? I dont have My own telescope but IF I had I would try find out!
I’m no astrophysicist, but isn’t the body lit up by the sun on the wrong side?
Xenomorph My guess is it isn’t the size that has bearing on the visibility of it, but it’s the distance that determines it.
Awesome stuff, Scott! #GoSteelers
+Cindy Britt ???
You can also see an orb or two on the horizon on the left side of the camera’s view point.
I think this is a man made secret TR-3B spacecraft.
nice Scotty great work!!!
Aliens are fake
Aliens Exists What Can you say ?
That’s pretty awesome! How many of these “new” planets are visible to the naked eye now?
Long time subscriber but by the way your going back and forth one minute per click not 1 second
One second or one minute ? Even though the shape is similar to an aliens’ vehicle not like a helicopter or a jet. I did zoom in. If it isn’t. That’s something so secret like a vehicle from Area 51
They’re coming
Because information of aliens vehicle are similar to this shape despite Lights appear from the sky and identified as illusions. Even though this shaped vehicles seen are unanswered. So those look like this.
I love ufos, they are so quite when they pass over your house. Scott I think we should name that striped planet,
how about Tiger Gecko
You can also see an orb or two the horizon on the left side from the camera’s view point.
Keep in touch about UFOs.The death star, The disco Star, Nibiru, Meteor like object appeared in the west sky, Aliens’ Vehicles.