Ozone on Bondi Beach – Periodic Table of Videos
We’re on Bondi Beach to discuss the ozone layer – a topic of great interest to Australians.
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Could this man be any more awesome? I think not. This video was fantastic. Sharing it with my (smart) friends.
Leave it to Poliakoff to go sit in the sand at the beach wearing leather shoes, slacks, a shirt & tie, and a vest.
Beach chemistry is hard to follow…
4:13 Sorry, you lost me for a minute there. What were we talking about again?
Why can’t we take the ground level ozone and launch it into the upper atmosphere?
so ozone is more reactive than a normal oxygenmolecule, what would it then look like if you put a glowing piece of wood into pure ozone, because in pure oxygen it allready burns really bright
Does he feel hot when filming this video…
O3 + Cl. > O2 + ClO
ClO + O3 > Cl. + 2O2
This explanation of O3 is very well done. I (like many others) gravitate towards visual references while learning…Thank you Periodic Videos!
Any chance at a video made on Hypothetical compounds? Cyclic ozone, hexaphenylethane and above all Bromochlorofluoroiodomethane. Again, Thank you all for the amazing videos.
*–insert Spongebob push Bikini Bottom somewhere else joke here–*
Now that the nonsense has been taken care of, i would like to state that the demonstration here was well done.
I wonder though, if Ozone never formed or couldn’t form on Earth for whatever reason, if animals would not have simply evolved biological mechanisms for dealing with a high UV environment.
the specific gravity of freonF-12(used as propellant) is 4.52, while water is 1.00. I’ve always wondered how freon can just “float” high in the atmosphere to interfere with ozone. I’ve found no one able to give a reasonable answer, always a bunch of gobble-d-gook trying to sound “smart”.
look at the girls at 6:49, they laugh at him lol
O2 is what you call normal oxygen, O3 is what you call ozone. But do you know what it is called when you don’t have any oxygen at all?
haterz b laughin
so much swag
too little video
If they open Sir Martyn’s luggage in the customs, the officers must be very confused to find all those strange plastic toys 🙂
I’m mainly watching these videos to see his outrageous hair 🙂
When are they going to do an episode about carbamide?
after many years of chemistry, my hands shake too and my hair has gone all fuzzy.
The professor gets all the beaches
Sir, having a good time at the beach? sightseeing of course?
I’d kill to have half the class of this man.
getting hot , right ?
This man never gets old 😉 long live professor
Thumbs up if you came to this video thinking that he was going to talk about a piece of ozone he found on this beach.
I’m in love with him, his little vest is so cute
I’m using this thumbnail for my album cover…well…I would if i were to record an album at least.
He went to the beach – for the plot.