Huge whale knocks surfer unconscious at Bondi Beach

Surfer hit by whale: A 15-meter southern right whale swimming near a group of people at Sydney’s Bondi Beach knocked a surfer out cold with the slap of its tail on Sunday. The whale was swimming near a group of surfers about 70 meters from the shore. Bishan Rajapakse was closest to the whale when it approached the group.

Without warning the animal’s tail lifted out of the water and came down on the Rajapakse’s head, knocking him out. Other surfers were tossed around by the animal’s power before the pulling him from the water moments. He was was treated for shoulder injuries and a concussion, was but otherwise unhurt.


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30 Responses

  1. ‘Without warning, the animal’s tail lifted out of the water….’?? Yeah! Because the whale, a large wild animal, is going to warn a stupid human who doesn’t know boundaries, about when it is about to make a move. Stop bloody tormenting the poor animals. I’m sure if a fly was constantly flying around you while you were trying to eat, you’d make every effort to try rid your space of this annoying animal. The same that a whale is doing.

  2. People saying “Oh the whale didn’t attack him, whales aren’t aggressive.” Yeah, that’s probably not true. Surfers from below look a lot like orca whales which are a natural predator to them. So yes they do have defense mechanisms. Tail slapping being one of them considering how big they are.

  3. Some people just deserve to be injured. You can’t go closer than 100 meters from a whale. Yet, these brainless surfers think that’s just for “others”, it’s fine with them because they “control” the sea.

  4. Why people can be so stupid you see it’s a huge thing and your stupid fucks head’s still mess with it I guess is your stupid life you mess with you get what comes to you….

  5. Hahahahahahaha he wasn’t being aggressive he was just playing around that’s what happens when u play with something that is 50x your size

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