Heart attac at Bondi Beach (cadiac arrest)

This clip is taken from Bondi Rescue Season 1 episode 4. Takahiro Ono survives a drowning, thanks to the men at Bondi Recue


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  2. No, this was around the point they were still teaching 30:2. And compressions at 100bpm (to note this is around 30 in comparison – very poor recognition and CPR).

  3. possibly red cross standard (guess since American Heart doesn’t teach lifeguarding). and from 2008 which explain ABC instead of CAB. Bad CPR is better than NO CPR. And I must say these guys did great… hell it worked didn’t it!

  4. People that complain about the slow rate of the compressions, keep in mind this was a couple of years ago, it was different regulations about how fast you should do it back then. It changes frequently. // Licensed CPR instructor

    1. +TwoOneSevenSixFiveSixFive In basic terms, they are not breathing.. the heart is next. Always remember the AED is set up to find a irregular, shock-able rhythm. The 2 main reasons it wont shock is you have a normal heart beat or you have asystole. Starting CPR immediately and hooking the AED up immediately is what is going to give your patient the best chance of survival. Much like a choking patient..

  5. I just took a CPR class today.  The guys did it exactly the way I was taught, except 30 compressions, then the 2 breaths.  I thought the timing of the compressions was just fine….they were calm, relaxed, got ‘er done.

    1. I found that standards for cpr are quite different from a place to another. In hospitals we even learn to just let go the breath and only do compressions since the slight movement of the chest ventilates the lungs. Anyway i’m glad there’s some people like you still taking those lessons.

    2. one year its 30/2, the next its 15/1 or 10/1, it does not really matter aslong as you are doing something untill the ambo gets there.

  6. Victims of drowning should get 5 initial breaths first, because there cardiac arrest is most likely caused by asphyxial arrest. Same as children.
    He stopped the compressions too early when the AED came, he should have continued until 30, or untill the AED was ready to analyse the heartrythm.
    I totally agree that the compressions were to slow, but I think they were technically right and that is very important! In 2008 it had to be 80-100 so he did it perfectly.

    1. +tertertr tetrete Wrong – he did not drown – he had un undiagnosed cardiac arrhythmia (LQTS) which caused his heart to go into a shockable rhythm – watch the next episode to see his pacemaker being put in.

  7. OMG! how long did it take for them to start compressions! If there is no pulse, begin CPR immediately.
     But bloody great effort thou, nice work fellas! If you are doing CPR, do it to the song ‘Stayin’ alive’ that’s how fast you want to be going.

    1. +Farah Fahim yeah I agree but a great video to demonstrate AGONAL BREATHING or a patient NOT BREATHING normally – used a lot in the UK to demonstrate what to look out for when assessing someone’s breathing who has collapsed

    1. +Gillian Campbell Wrong – he did not drown – he had un undiagnosed cardiac arrhythmia (LQTS) which caused his heart to go into a shockable rhythm – watch the next episode to see his pacemaker being put in.

  8. Lee Taylor, it was definitely a near drowning as his sudden cardiac arrest resulted him being face down in the water for enough time to have inhaled water.

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