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Scuba Diving North Bondi, Sydney Australia, Dec 2011

A great couple of dives at North Bondi in Dec. 2011.

On these dives, we visited the Cathedral Cave, had the great pleasure to spot a Grey Nurse Shark (Carcharias taurus), were lucky to swim with huge schools of One-spot Puller (Chromis hypsilepis), Old Wives (Enoplosus armatus), Striped Catfish (Plotosus lineatus), and Eastern Pomfret (Schuettea scalaripinnis), etc… all of that in a calm sea with at least 15m viz…

Thanks to Stephan for sharing these dives with me and for the lighting inside the Cathedral cave.

I love diving in Sydney!!!

10 Responses

  1. Whoa! Must have been peak hour for the one-spot pullers! Excellent video. Thanks for naming them, helped me to identify a lot of the fish I’ve seen around. I must dive this site one day!

  2. Thanks for the nice comment. Yes I’ve never seen that many one-spot pullers before. I dived this site a few times since that last video, there were many of them but not as much and not as excited as on the day of that video.

  3. Notice that Bluey is hanging around the sea urchins? He/she was waiting for you to prise the urchin out on the end of you knife and let him/her suck out in flesh inside. This was frowned upon when I used to dive a lot at Shark Point, North Bondi etc back in 1998 but the blueys loved it…

  4. Nice vid….there is also a slot cave adjacent the cathedral that is a lovely swim through as well. You were very lucky to spot a Grey Nurse on this dive…

  5. I’ve been diving all over Sydney but not that site before. Would you show it to me? Looks similar to Harbord or North Avalon. Any strong currents or just surge?

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