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The Trammps – Disco Inferno

One of the first disco bands. Expressive appearance

30 Responses

  1. Always makes me think of Kingpin, I was about 14 when that came out and I must’ve watched it a thousand times. I still think it’s the Farrelly Brothers’ funniest movie.

  2. This might seem like a daft comment, but every time I play IJN cruisers on World of Warships I play this song in the background

  3. siete años tenia cuando escuche este exito a inicios de los 80, y me encanto por siempre, hasta hoy me sigue gustando igual, exitaso por siempre.

  4. I read some 1996 script called Freddy vs. Jason: Millennium Massacre. and in the script, in the end credits, this song would of played. That would have awesome!

  5. Wasn’t this song based on an actual disco going up in flames (as in an actual fire); or was that just a news item of the times and the song not related at all. Anyone? Nonetheless, I did a whole lot of sweating to this oldie — and as well consumed a whole lot of Harvey Wabangers.

  6. Just now seeing the music video to this after having been fortunate enough to have it on a “Party CD” growing up, and not disappointed to see the 70s still look as awesome in this video as others from the era. Disco will never die! The outfits and music really strike my fancy and I wish I had been able to experience them. At least Youtube allows for cross-generation preservation of an era’s media / fashion / etc.

  7. I dedicate this song, by this Philly based band, to the *Philadelphia Eagles* on the occasion of their *Superbowl* win tonight, Feb. 4, 2018!

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