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Soul Train Line PYT Michael Jackson

18 Responses

  1. an innocent man? are you having a laugh? He paid tens of millions of dollars to a bunch of young boys who accused him of abuse.Does that sound like something you would do if you were innocent?….No,an innocent man would take his day in court and clear his name. Wake up,you’re idolising a paedophile !!

  2. Are u insane? His insurance company paid for that liar Jordy’s father. Jordy denied it. The father committed suicide after MJ died hmmm no1 went to his funeral No1. He did go to court against it.So are you a da for Santa Barbara County? Because all the FBI reports state he is innocent. They tapped his phones & investigated him for years to find Nada thing. Judge Ye Not or Ye Shall Be Judged Accordingly when you meet your maker without any representation.

  3. It is fascinating to see the blind devotion and total lack of objectivism and honesty in some of these posts. No wonder our nation is collapsing. I have given Michael credit for his showmanship and musical abilities… which I, as both a musician & music lover, appreciate & respect. But I am not so deluded as to defend him as “perfectly normal.” What’s ironic is that by your own statements above, you document the life of someone who couldn’t be “normal”. So who’s clueless?

  4. jake you better shut up,coz you don´t know nothing about michael Jackson,only all this trash and gossip thetablpids and media telling us since dacades!
    I am awake be sure,sending u a big Michael smile°____°

  5. Is bad now they want silence is music using copyrights! Good song bad reason.
    Rest in peace Michael Jackson!
    Vaya Con Dios Siempre!

  6. Why that one man always on the stage, with his lame non- dancing ass? His ass don’t ever go down the line! GET YO ASS OFF THE STAGE! GO DOWN THE LINE, NIGGA!

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