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Sculpture by the Sea 2019

Sculpture by the Sea has returned to Sydney’s iconic coastal walk for its 23rd anniversary.
Staged from Bondi to Tamarama, it is the largest sea exhibition in the world and attracts up to 500,000 visitors annually.

79 Responses

    1. @Jack Richardson : Well yes. Many do blame bullshit and/or cow shit for the methane in the atmosphere so in reality a huge cow turd would win an award!

    2. @Jack Richardson : Well yes. Many do blame bullshit and/or cow shit for the methane in the atmosphere so in reality a huge cow turd would win an award!

    1. @Ronove cool answer…..smile…so then……I want to see your application for 2020…..greetings from Kiel, Northern Germany

    1. @A WPetersen Anyone can make up a message to go with their “art”. The uniqueness comes from the absurdity.

    2. @Slavery is Freedom, War is Peace cool answer…..smile…so then……I want to see your application for 2020…..greetings from Kiel, Northern Germany

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