Spinal injuries are one of the scariest injuries for a lifeguard to tend to and present a whole array of added risks to a rescue.
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Bondi Rescue follows the work of the elite professional Lifeguards who patrol Australia’s busiest beach. This is Australia’s real life Baywatch! Taking the viewers on their journey through mass rescues, drownings, resuscitations, shark sightings, #spinalinjuries and all number of the weird and wonderful experiences Bondi Beach dishes up.
In #BondiRescue the audience sees the action through the eyes of real characters and lifeguards like Hoppo, Deano, Reidy, Jesse, Maxi, Whippet and Harries, as they catch thieves, perform CPR, make drug busts, break up fights, and even handle a navy bomb that washes ashore one afternoon. Every year throws up new and completely unexpected challenges, and how lifeguards adapt is what makes Bondi Rescue a show that’s about much more than swimmers being saved in the surf.
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WORST Spinal Injuries on Bondi Rescue
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A reminder to check to be aware of any sandbanks before diving into surf, where possible. Thankful for the awesome bystanders and the lifeguards for helping as always! ?
Any update on the Brazilian dancer?
I found it and now I’ve watched them all in 1 day
@Awesome.Gentle I love your thanl
Why are Brazilians always so beautiful!? Lol
I have severely broke my arm before, and I don’t really know how it feels but I know for the 1st 10 min I thought my arm was shopped off, i couldn’t even move my hand, it was a 9 in pain. WORST PAIN ever
I hurt my back really badly and my dad said to get up and carry my surfboard back to the car then he realised I was in pain
people in England when someone gets hurt on the beach: mum look someones hurt my mum ”don’t near”
people in Australia when someone gets hurt on the beach: wow mum mum look someones hurt the mum ”lets go see what happened”
I can’t wait to watch the new one ????????
never been more aware of my spine in my life.
let’s talk about how helpful the public are
If you’re ever in this situation or anything similar where there’s a lot of pain involved. Two finger widths below your belly button is the spiritual center of your body. Belly breathing is a deep breath in, push out in the area and then relax the muscles of the abdomen in the same area. It has limited effect over pain and also heavy emotional trauma- works during panic attacks. Helps if you stay well hydrated. Only works to cut down adrenaline in your body, healing may be affected as adrenaline/stress limit the body’s natural healing. Good luck. Peace. Love.
Why do they wrap people in tin foil?
It’s a heat reflecting blanket to keep them warm if they go into shock
Man the way that surfers help other surfers and swimmers at this beach is really amazing, no training but willing to help til the Lifeguards can do their magic
The last one reminds me of a time a man was drunk at our local lake and dived into the water in the shallow end. He broke his neck and became a quadriplegic. He had just bought my great grandmother’s house but because of the accident, he couldn’t live in the house (it was on a steep hill with a lot of steps going up to the front door; impossible to build a ramp because of the incline.) I felt so bad for him. Never drink and swim and always know where you are diving into the water.
I hope he’s doing okay
So much respect i have for the life guards in this video. And for the them on all beaches around the world. They safe the lives of so many people. RESPECT.
Ooooo all of these look like it hurts
I know right
i’ve broken 2 bones like 2 days before my birthday