Bondi Beach Flash Mob
Bondi’s first flash mob. The fat sunburnt guy is awesome.
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Bondi’s first flash mob. The fat sunburnt guy is awesome.
Views | 126840 |
likes | 11 |
Dislikes | 11 |
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Omg loved it.
nice one!
oh my, extermination please.
its Ben Lee, Catch my disease he’s an aussie guy awesome musician
lol POM tourist, i take offence to that you possom lovin kangaroo ridin only good for workin in english aussie themed bars aussie
From the way there’s so many people around and how organised they are, I’d say this was announced. Kinda seems against the spirit of the whole thing, really.
This is brilliant! I love it!
The guy in the red speedos is Brad Green, local to Sydney and an absolutely excellent dance teacher!
oh hell yes shake it!!! 2PM <3
Hahaha this is hilarious, fucken love the fat dude in the red speedos
1:26 – girl on left in white top. I’m guessing she didn’t make all the practice sessions. That, or she just got caught up in the moment lol
nope its not james Corden… its Brad Green…
I should know as i am him!!!
thanks Jen
hey guys… i can tell you now that the guy that starts the video isn’t James Corden as it is me… My name is Brad
what is the music name?
Love it same as my skul
@kevinbradleymaddox What does that even mean?
@id03 Nice work dude!
Nice Mate very nice .
i need to learn this and start it up at the jersey shore haha
Love it!! I found an even better Flash Mob just done up in Queensland if you search “SURFERS PARADISE FLASH MOB” in YouTube. IT’S AWESOME! I love Flash Mobs!!
i love this!!! makes me smile
@malawichair *cough* in a red speedo > .>
ugly song
En vez de pensar en coger esparto y hacer esparteƱas, para repartirlas para todos; les da por hacer el gelipo….
I’m sorry they should have pushed him back out to sea. Not a good image for the aussie male.
I like him. He’s hot.
look at the guy in green shirt first stand to dance,in other video he didnt put on shirt but in this h wear it..i think they dance twice
a la mujer de short jean, esta una diosa.
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