Bars & Bondi Beach Sydney, Australia- April 9-10, 2016 | Kimmyonaquest Vacation VLOG

April 9 & 10, 2016- Checking out Sanctuary Bar, Bondi Beach, Coastal Walk, and Darling Harbor during my first 24 hours in Sydney, Australia with my friend, Anna.

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169 Responses

  1. Loved this vlog!! :)) I’m going so Sydney this April, around the time you went. So it was still hot enough to go to the beach? I was worried that it might be a lil too chilly to go in the water. how was the weather most of the time?

    1. It was hot enough to lay out but not enough to swim in the water without a wet suit. I was in shorts and a light sweater for the night most of the time! Enjoy your trip 🙂

  2. Did not you two Asian girls feel anything when that fxxking male driver said xxx Asian? You were still laughing. By the way, $70 for that tinny room is huge ripe off and there are many beautiful beaches other than bondi.

    1. Because we have a sense of humor? First short time visit to a country I’ve never visited, so Bondi was on that list of places to see.

    1. I’m Asian…and they are Asian, how does that make us racist? We just like to be around people different from us, that does not make us racist…it makes us crave diversity since we already hang out in a group of asians. If you don’t get that, this channel is not for you boo.

  3. I live in Sydney and I really hate Korean/Japanese teens for their racist behavior towards other Asians here. Seriously YOU ARE FUCKING ASIAN Mongloids too..NOT CAUCASIANS..get over it!

  4. Kimmy the color on the tobacco pack was chose by (I believe) psychologists as it it considered the ugliest color for the human eye to deter ppl from smoking. Haha. I thought 5.60 in PA was high. Sister has a friend in Australia little did sis know you can’t ship cigs from the states to Australia to your friends. Duh! Surprise.

    Rolling up the streets at midnight? Nah, not for me. I used to love Philly night life, after hours clubs and then rolling out into daylight. Ugh! This is interesting watching your life after a year and a half.

    One day you will look back and love every single minute of this. Even when you were pick pocketed. Life’s lessons. What an education about real life. No money can ever pay for that education. Welcome back. Do great things! You have your whole life ahead of you. So very exciting. Good luck, best wishes and all that stuff. Enjoy the West Coast food. Hope you didn’t have any difficulty with the fires we have been watching. Heart wrenching. I hate crying over devastation. Wishing you peace and prosperity in the near future. Love your soothing channel. P.S. I’m twice your age so I have twice the heartache, enjoy every darn minute of it.

  5. Other english speaking places of 98 & 99 % of White Population is Scotland, Walles, Northern Ireland, Malta and Ireland.

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