ANZAC Day Dawn Service 2016 at the North Bondi RSL War Memorial

6.00am, Monday 25th April 2016

Photos from the Service can be viewed here:

Attended by many thousands of members of the Bondi public, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, regional dignitaries, and serving members of the armed forces both past and present, the ANZAC Day Dawn Service at the North Bondi War Memorial was again an important coming together of the greater Bondi community. All were witness to a moving ceremony in remembrance of those who served, sending our thanks and hope to those who are serving, and extending support to our nations veterans and their families.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Lest We Forget

2016 ANZAC Day Dawn Service North Bondi RSL War Memorial


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