Bondi Winter Magic 2011 News 31 July 2011 World’s Largest Busk World Record

Views 4 DisLikes 0 likes 0 Bondi Winter Magic 2011 News 31 July 2011 World’s Largest Busk World Record
WORLD’S BEST BEACH BODIES – Bondi Calisthenics & Street Workout Girls & Guys Body Weight Video

WORLD’S BEST BEACH BODIES – Bondi Calisthenics & Street Workout Girls & Guys Body Weight Video Bondi Beach has the most exciting fitness and lifestyle culture in the world and this clip features the highlights of living life in the sun, sea, surf and sand, surrounded by the blue Pacific Ocean. Visit the stunning home…
A hoard of surfing Santa’s at Bondi Beach – world record!

Hundreds of Aussies dressed as Santa took to the waves at Bondi Beach to take part in the world’s largest surfing lesson and raise awareness for mental health A hoard of surfing Santa’s at Bondi Beach – world record! Views 100 likes 0 Dislikes 0 #bondi #BondiBeach
Largest Surfing Lesson – Guinness World Records

Views 23394 likes 0 Dislikes 0 Largest Surfing Lesson – Guinness World Records Subscribe to never miss a video! || Check out the GWR favourites! || The new record for the “world’s largest surf lesson” was set by Red Balloon at Bondi Beach (Australia) on the 15 December 2015, after 320 locals paddled…
Bondi Bodies Bondi Beach Bar Brutes | Pull Ups + Freestyle Comp | Bondi Beach

Bondi Bodies Bondi Beach Bar Brutes | Pull Ups + Freestyle Comp | Bondi Beach See PART 2 of this video – 3 years later! EXTREME AWESOME! WORLD’S FITTEST BEACH GIRLS & GUYS – INSANE STRENGTH & CALISTHENICS TRICKS! Train using the secret tips of OFFICIAL GUINNESS WORLD RECORD HOLDERS _ Please check out…
WORLD RECORD MUSCLE-UPS *OFFICIAL GUINNESS* You wont believe how many… | Jarryd | Bondi Beach

Views 829354 likes 0 Dislikes 0 WORLD RECORD MUSCLE-UPS *OFFICIAL GUINNESS* You wont believe how many… | Jarryd | Bondi Beach OFFICIAL World Record Muscle-ups video. Completely verified by officials and by Guinness World Records. AWESOME WORK. TRAIN WITH TUTORIALS BY OFFICIAL GUINNESS WORLD RECORD HOLDERS! THANK YOU FOR WATCHING MY CHANNEL! ?Buy my training…