A First-Timer’s Surfing Lesson – Shaw TV Victoria

Shaw TV’s summer intern Meg Cuthbert gets a surfing lesson (minus the waves — this is Oak Bay, after all) and learns more about International Surf Day A First-Timer’s Surfing Lesson – Shaw TV Victoria Views 2495 likes 1 Dislikes 1 #bondi #BondiBeach

Study Abroad Australia 2012 BLOG #4 (Boston University)

http://twobiddiesandabloke.wordpress.com We are Two Biddies and a Bloke, aka Lindsay Kirk, Brianna Bloodgood, and Chris Roys. We’re all students at Boston University, studying abroad in Sydney, Australia for the Fall 2012 semester. This is our journey. BLOG #4: Jet lag like you’ve never seen it. Features: Coogee to Bondi Cliffwalk, Melbourne, Great Ocean Road, Twelve…