I *kinda* Learned How to Surf!! Spot X and Yamba Australia Backpacking Vlog ?

Living the stereotypical Ozzie life – I learned to surf in Spot X at a surf camp!! I adventured to Yamba, learned a few drinking games, got sunburnt and a lil ill. As I hope you can tell, I LOVE surfing, no matter how dire I was and how difficult it is! ? Hostel in…
Vlog #3 Bondi Beach

What’s up beautiful people! Check out our 3rd Vlog of our family’s getaway to Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia. Enjoy! If you like our vlogs, please don’t forget to hit the “LIKE” button and “SUBSCRIBE” to our channel. Leave your comments down below too. Thanks guys and much love! Vlog #3 Bondi Beach Views 80 likes…

Details of my Australia trip http://ontheroadtrip.com/ DAY 302 // BUY YOUR T-SHIRTS NOW! http://www.findthenomads.com (international postage) Indian designs 100% of profits go to teenage cancer trust Troye http://www.youtube.com/troyesivan18 Datev http://www.youtube.com/ladiedottie Alli http://www.youtube.com/CTFxC Mamrie http://www.youtube.com/YouDeserveADrink Hannah http://www.youtube.com/MyHarto Jack http://www.youtube.com/jacksfilms Jesse & Jeana http://www.youtube.com/BFvsGF Tim http://www.youtube.com/timjdeegan Corey http://www.youtube.com/Apprenticeeh Nadine http://www.youtube.com/nayders07 Tim http://www.youtube.com/timjdeegan message me video intros at…