Coronavirus newest: Surfers and swimmers go back to Australia’s Bondi Beach after 5 weeks

Subscribe to the Evening Standard on YouTube: Surfers and swimmers allowed back in the water at Sydney’s famous Bondi Beach as Australia records just one Covid-19 case from an unknown source. Coronavirus latest: Surfers and swimmers return to Australia’s Bondi Beach after five weeks Views 2471 likes 3 Dislikes 3 #bondi #BondiBeach

Maroubra Beach Surfing – 6th December 2017 ~ (4K HD)

A nice NE swell was pumping into Maroubra with some light winds making for great conditions for the start of summer. Maroubra Beach Surfing – 6th December 2017 ~ (4K HD) Views 976 likes Dislikes #bondi #BondiBeach

This is How Australian Surfers Train at Bondi Beach, Sydney!

Check out how these young surfers train for the rough waters at Bondi Beach in Sydney, Australia. My travel blog: Instagram: DonESL Adventure One more thing, please SUBSCRIBE & leave a comment … Safe & Happy Travels! This is How Australian Surfers Train at Bondi Beach, Sydney! Views 46 likes Dislikes #bondi #BondiBeach

Surfing At Bondi Beach VLOG 12

VLOG 12 – Went to Bondi beach, grabbed some surfboards, catched a couple of waves, tried to surf, and felt the cold waters. We went to Birkenhead Point the next day and shopped. My apologies if i forgot to talk to the camera. i was just having the time of my life. Don’t forget to…

VLOG Sydney and Bondi Beach

My first ever travel Vlog!!!! Hopefully doing more of these are we travel across Australia! This gopro takes amazing footage and it actually just took me 24 hours for this to upload…ugh but here it is! This was from our trip to Bondi and Sydney…the only thing I really wish we would gotten on film…