Whale knocks surfer unconscious at Bondi Beach

Whale knocks surfer unconscious at Bondi Beach Subscribe to the Guardian HERE: http://bitly.com/UvkFpD A surfer recovers in hospital after being knocked unconscious by a 15-metre humpback whale that flicked him off his board at Sydney’s Bondi Beach. The whale was swimming among surfers about 70 metres offshore on Sunday morning. Bishan Rajapakse lost consciousness for…

eva surf lesson

surf lesson, surfer Eva del paraiso, instructor, david salinas de puerto surf. filmado por cris mendoza. eva surf lesson Views 2573 likes Dislikes #bondi #BondiBeach

Byron Bay Surf School. Learn to surf in Australia

HIT ON LINK TO ENQUIRE ABOUT VIDEOS CONTENT http://www.videobillboards.com.au/contact.php VIDEO BILLBOARDS FACEBOOK & TWITTER http://www.facebook.com/videobillboards http://twitter.com/videobillboards HIT ON LINK http://www.videobillboards.com.au/Mojosurf-Surf-School–Learn-to-Surf-in-Australia–Surf-Camp–Surf-School/ HIT ON PRESS RELEASE http://www.videobillboards.com.au/press/1254-Mojosurf-School-Byron-Bay-Australia/ HIT ON LINK http://www.mojosurf.com.au HIT ON LINK http://www.videobillboards.com.au Live to surf .Three Aussie mates, Kim, Nat and Dan were born and bred on Australia’s East Coast. They met in the…

Surfing Shark Attack with Two Great White Sharks (4.5 meters) – www.2besaved.com

Reporter: L.H. Pellario http://www.pellario.blogspot.com Shannon Ainslie, he’s a SOUTH AFRICAN CHRISTIAN SURFER and he said: I know that God has a big plan for my life, says Shannon. Thats why he allowed everything to happen. Since the attack Ive grown so much closer to Jesus. I has a wonderful testimony to tell people who doubt…