Bondi Boardriders – 21.08.2016 – By Cora Bezemer

Bondi Boardriders – 21.08.2016 – By Cora Bezemer Music by Gabriel Mann called “Ever After You & Me”. Bondi Boardriders – 21.08.2016 – By Cora Bezemer Views 646 likes 1 Dislikes 1 #bondi #BondiBeach

Life After Sandy: Sam Hammer Surf Lesson

Watch the Jersey Shore Rebuilds season: Before filming an episode of This Old House about New Jersey surfing before and after Superstorm Sandy, local surf legend Sam Hammer gives Kevin a quick “dry” surfing lesson up on the sand. Click here to SUBSCRIBE to the official This Old House YouTube channel: Follow This…

Surf Lesson Gone Wrong Surfing School Students Get Slammed by Waves

Here is what happens when a surf school lesson goes bad. Learning how to surf can be harder than it looks. Instructors push students into the shorebreak and watch them get pounded over and over. Pretty to watch all the chaos and carnage. At the end there is some students actually catching waves and going…