Bondi Beach Surf Carnival Australia 1938 (1938)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit People parade on the shore while lifeguards the oarsmen of surfboats, drive into heavy crashing surf Full Description: AUSTRALIA: Sydney: EXT BONDI BEACH Surf Carnival – Lifeguards launch boat-in slow motion LIFEGUARDS (Life-savers) Lifeguards launch boat (in slow motion) at Bondi Beach Carnival Sport; Entertainment…
Wild weather lashes Sydney region

Wild weather lashes Sydney region Keep up-to-date with the latest news, subscribe here: Sydney and surrounding areas are lashed by wild weather with trees felled, power cuts hitting thousands of homes and sand drifts sweeping inland off the iconic Bondi beach. Duration: 00:50 Follow AFP English on Facebook: Latest news on AFP English Twitter: Share…