The all star supergroup have re-united. Its early in their musical careers and they are just trying to get their names out and raise a little money for some worthy causes.
Cool shit but wouldn’t exactly call Obama a peace advocate. Dude started seven fucking wars during his term. Why he got the Nobel peace price is beyond me. He was, and still is a warmonger.
I love Gorbachev funk guitar solo ! So peace soviet feeling ! Guitar Hero !
@crazybboycatalin use tubebox ! best software ever :)))
Barack Obama doesnt belong in this line up!
good though!
i think martin luther king should play bass… sorry for the stereotype, but it would fit much more
wow thats funky!!!!
jajjaja bizarroooo
Very Frusciante like solo there!
ammmm barack, nelson and mother t doesnt do too much
Super!!!!!!! Go The Nobel Funk Off!
obama is dansing!
I love this! I love the funk. Funk is my favorite kind of music but you really just ruined this for me having Obama in this…
???????? ^^
Disfruto tanto esta cancion que la vuelvo a repetir y a repetir.
too bad that they play playback :/
lots of hot chicks!!!
Guys, this is so cool.
deli lama beat box cool
Is Barrack himself???
Ghandi… doing his own thing
Mega Stuff!!!
???????? ?????!!! )))
did a seagull poop on that mans head ?
Nelson The Mandela Look more like Morgan freeman
I like to imagine this is what UN meetings turn into after everyone has had a few drinks.
very nice jam…..
Cool shit but wouldn’t exactly call Obama a peace advocate. Dude started seven fucking wars during his term. Why he got the Nobel peace price is beyond me. He was, and still is a warmonger.