The Amity Affliction – Bondi St. Blues | Matt McGuire & Ryan Burt Drum Cover
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good times :’v
I know you are on tour with Chainsmokers right now but when you get home you should totally do a cover of Of Mice and Men’s new single unbreakable! Love your covers bro keep it up! Expecially the double hihats.
what title this song
Such a good song…
This is amazing!!! ?
Going back to this after seeing you explode on youtube and ON TOUR with chainsmokers is so fucking awesome… This is why you have such loyal old fans, because of your efforts like this! Holy shit could listen to your old covers alllll day!
If you smash the like button so hard that your finger goes through the screen, does it count as an ultra like?
Hi, I’m back, and still listening to this on replay. The fucking coordination…jeebus!
tem brs??
I bet that would feel great to stand in the middle of them while the beat the shit out of those things lmao
drumstick spin is badass tho
This is cool. I love it
I gotta wonder if Ryan saw one of his covers and was like ‘I gotta get in on this action!’
amazing ?
They comand the storm like you sang in your song
two legends
fuckin massive guys
I’m thinking to make me a tattoo about this song. Any suggest? It will probably be in my chest. Sorry for the bad English tho, I’m from Argentina.
Matt amazing??
chasing ghost cover please
kapan jalur kuning menghilang
Playing this on my sub through the traffic fucking earsbleed but so worth it ??
I’m just gonna have this video on repeat for the next week and cry till I die of dehydration. I love you Ryan, thanks for introducing me to The Amity Affliction.
???????? ????????? ??????………??????
Still watching
Ughh Ryan isn’t drumming anymore for AA
Brutal performance.
must use heavy duty sticks
Matt was just mimics the way ryan play the drum