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Soul II Soul – Back To Life

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Official video of Soul II Soul performing Back To Life (However Do You Want Me) from the album Club Classics Vol. One.
Buy It Here: http://smarturl.it/eu1evm
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13 Responses

  1. I remember being 5 years old watching this video and feeling strong and proud to be a black girl. I use to wrap my moms towel around my head and pretend to flip my hair like the girl in the video with the braids?

  2. I remember being 5 years old watching this video and feeling strong and proud to be a black girl. I use to wrap my moms towel around my head and pretend to flip my hair like the girl in the video with the braids?

  3. If this plays and those with you dont sing “however do you want me, however do you need me….”, get rid of them. You dont need that negativity in your life!

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