Whale knocks surfer unconscious at Bondi Beach
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A surfer recovers in hospital after being knocked unconscious by a 15-metre humpback whale that flicked him off his board at Sydney’s Bondi Beach. The whale was swimming among surfers about 70 metres offshore on Sunday morning. Bishan Rajapakse lost consciousness for about 10 seconds and other surfers managed to help him back to the beach.
Whale knocks surfer unconscious at Bondi Beach
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I hate it when this happens…
…man we’re fragile.
“Maybe it was giving me a high five, I don’t know….” LOL So funny.
your lucky day , mtherfuker !
whale was duped by junkies disposing their needles in the sea !!
This dude is hilarious.
hey is thet free willy
Just walking??????? Hes a handicapppppppp
You do realize he means that he sees them when he goes walking, right?
No it’s willy’s little retarded brother trying to one up his brother.
@taylormoviestudios shut up no he does
haha that last guy sounds like he’s blowing the story way out of proportion.
Blowing it out of proportion like a blowhole?
I woulda knocked that whale out…..like sparko out……..BOOOOOOOM
At least it was no elephant stomping you! Wahahaga
At least it was no elephant stomping you! Wahahaga
respect my authoritah… said the whale
The question would be ‘ how the hell would it get passed the shark net?’
Hilary Benoit the shark nets are really easy to get past if the animal can be bothered. It just disturbs the swimming patterns of sharks
hannah ffion then the shark net is useless.
I’m 7 yrs late… ?