Bondi Surf Club is running a FREE beach safety program for adult migrants on Sunday March 20 at 10am.

The program will teach participants basic safety information about the beach, involving a one-on-one session with a Bondi Surf Lifesaver

· How to identify a rip
· What to do if you get caught in a strong current
· How to tell if you it’s safe to swim

There is no minimum level of swimming required. Participants must be 18 years old or over.

Register your interest by providing your name and date of birth to Bondi Surf Lifesaving Club
Email: info@bondisurfclub.com
Phone: 02 9300 9279
In Person: Bondi Surf Club – office hours are Monday to Friday 10am until 4pm, Sunday 10am until 12pm

2018 up date ALSO

Develop your knowledge, skills and confidence


We have developed a structured, systematic approach to teaching that will give you confidence, and make you

feel in control in the ocean.

In our clinics you will firstly develop a strong understanding of the dynamic ocean environment, and then in the water, clear, progressive techniques are taught that will turn you into a technically proficient ocean swimmer.

Join us for one of our small-group 3-hour practical clinics on Bondi Beach, Sydney, and when we tour throughout Australia during the spring and summer months.

Each clinic is designed to be attended only once, then you can work on improving what you have learnt in your own time, in a social ocean swimming group, or as a participant in our multi-

visit classes.



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