This footage was shot with a Canon PowerShot SD1400 digital Point and Shoot Camera. High Definition Video. For more information email

Introduction for Surf Trainer Celia Marquez
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It’s been a wonderful site so far and a great experience to meet so many girls. I’ve been surfing for over 25 years now and will continue until I physically can’t anymore. Live well and live strong!
It takes a lot of energy as well as time to teach so many girls, taking 3 to 4 hours of my time. Compensation is fair. With that said, please specify what amount or type of barter. I can’t accept anything lower than $55

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Are you regularly excercising? What types of excercise do you do, and do you push yourself? This is to determine the state of your physical fitness .

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Are you aquainted with the ocean, meaning you are not unfamiliar with the ocean and its aspects and can you swim?

Surfing Lesson by Celia’s Meetup.Com


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