Bondi Beach Surf Carnival Australia 1938 (1938)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit People parade on the shore while lifeguards the oarsmen of surfboats, drive into heavy crashing surf Full Description: AUSTRALIA: Sydney: EXT BONDI BEACH Surf Carnival – Lifeguards launch boat-in slow motion LIFEGUARDS (Life-savers) Lifeguards launch boat (in slow motion) at Bondi Beach Carnival Sport; Entertainment…

Royal Tour Report – Bondi Beach (1954)

Views 716 likes 0 Dislikes 0 Royal Tour Report – Bondi Beach (1954) Bondi Beach, Australia. GV pan, Bondi Beach. SV Queen and Duke arriving on dais. LV Life Guards holding banners marching from sea to Royal dais. SCU Queen on dais. Side view, Life Guards marching towards dais, & SV & CU. CU Queen…

Prince Charles Visits Bondi Beach (1966)

Views 662 likes 0 Dislikes 0 Prince Charles Visits Bondi Beach (1966) Prince Charles the Duke of Edinburgh arrives at Bondi Beach, Australia and meets a Guard of Honour of Lifesavers. Click here for more videos about Prince Charles: Date found in the old record – 05/06/1966. 90,000 historic films, all SEARCHABLE on YouTube at:…