These are some of my tips that have been successful teaching little kids to surf….
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Tips for teaching little kids to surf


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17 Responses

  1. Wauw! I loved the video! I live in the Netherlands and I’ve been watching all seasons of bondi for 3 weeks over and over again. I really like it! It’s my dream to come to bondi! This video really makes me smile 🙂 the fun, the love between you guys! Love the video!

  2. This video makes me want to learn how to surf. But I’m definetly not a four year old anymore. Anyway debating now whether to get a gopro or a waterproof case for my dslr camera.

  3. I still need to learn how to swim proper! She makes it look so easy! Love all the positive teaching, she’s so confident. Really good job Deano (and Lucy!) -Misty121

  4. She is sooo Lucky too learn surfing so young i try surfing here in australia during my Stay it was awesome i Think i caught the surf bug i always want to try again and again enjoy your Stay in Bali 😉

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