Ryan Kim Rescue | Bondi Rescue S6

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Your favourite lifeguards are back!
Bondi Rescue’s seven-time Logie winning lifeguards return to TEN 8pm Mondays!

Taking the viewers on their journey through mass rescues, resuscitations, shark sightings, and all number of the weird and wonderful experiences Bondi dishes up.

Bondi Rescue has attracted huge international interest and is distributed worldwide – US, UK, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Denmark and New Zealand – just to name a few. There is no doubt, Bondi Rescue embodies the Australian larrikin spirit, while celebrating the sheer sportsmanship and professionalism of the lifeguards — those unsung heroes of our best asset – the beach.

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621 Responses

  1. ” We’ve done this a lot of times, we know what we’re ding ” is probably the most cockiest line I have ever heard. As a registered paramedic all I will say is don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

  2. Yes they got him back, but these guys need alot more training they have way too any people trying to do the same things, there are 4 people groping his top half, there doing things way to fast and all talking over each other, there should be Ó E person taking the lead roll on this code. And why would you turn down the help of a anesthesiologist? He has a code that he as a Doctor must step up and help those in need, you definitely don’t push the guy away. And it’s him you hear tell them too slow down. And one guy in the comments said he is after one minute of fame lol really this doctor has peoples life’s in his hands Everyday he is a professional a man’s life is on the line its definitely not about fame. I work for the ambulance service and if I come across any incident I have too stop and help people out, and it’s definitely not about fame or getting I the paper. I definitely dont need that or want it, I am just doing my job which I do very well and have done for the last 20yrs

  3. Mate, Ik this is located in Sydney, but honestly how many Bondi’s are there? Example: Bondi Ink, Bondi Rescue, Bondi Hotels, etc.. Thus, as an Aussie born in Melbourne, I will never understand why there are various type’s of companies including the name “Bondi”

  4. How is everyone so calm in the background like I know they don’t know him but I would of been a mess seeing someone lying there dead

  5. The only thing you can do wrong when doing CPR is not doing anything at all. Wrong rythm is better than no rythm. Cracking ribs can happen and it’s nothing to worry about, a dead man won’t care about broken ribs and a man who survived will heal. Gotta think about the situation and how stressed you’ll be., I’ve been in the situation where CPR was needed and even though I’ve taken several CPR courses where most of them were at highest level in the army and later working at hospitals I was extremely stressed and my pulse was sky high. All you have to do is try

  6. I couldnt stop crying…. my grandmother was on a flight and has been undergoing CPR for 50minutes till she had a pulse and then they basicly let her die because she would have been braindead after so long. I wish they could have brought ber back too. Even just to say goodbye.

  7. Am I the only one that’s pissed on the thought that that man could have died and the camera man is still recording, like he could’ve ran the bag down?? thank god the man is ok???

  8. watch the full episode to know the story. he lived and returned to say thanks and he says what happened. the waves kept pushing him down and after struggling to stay afloat he simply “gave up” and swallowed water… go figure

    1. then it’s needed in the other buggy up the other end of the beach.. either that or stolen of the buggy, and ppl are dead.. tower’s central, which is where the defib is..

  9. Ppl that say oh the lifeguards were shit oh they did the compressions too fast just stfu all of u . I am a qualified lifeguard and they did not go too fast they were going at a perfect speed and they acted quickly and saved a mans life. So ppl that say the lifeguard were shit just be quiet , when ur acc a lifeguard u can start talking

  10. I fkng hate the gathering crowd so bad. Brain dead cows. Hope you all drown too. Applauding and cheering like this was some show to entertain you you worth of air.

  11. (this old as shit but i dont care!)

    there’s one problem i have and that this @4:47 like motherfucker it doesnt look like you care so why are you standing there? i know someone just drowned but you’re not helping by standing there and looking at them so why not just walk along, just walk away…

  12. Is he okay now, like , his life back on track? So glad he lived!! This is definitely not like in the movies, so much stuff keeps coming out of his lungs 🙁

  13. sorry but this strikes me as we’re reality stars, more concerned about the camera then contributing to saving him, I don’t like this

  14. They did an awesome job not only of bringing him back to shore but bringing him back to life…..if you arent a strong swimmer and you dont swim between the flags youre a bloody idiot

  15. I don’t understand them attempting to intubate him while he’s throwing up!!?? That’s the biggest nightmare (or one of them i should say. ) of anesthesiologists. A reason why one needs an empty stomach prior to surgery.

  16. In the uk at the moment there’s a huge drive on taking FA corses to learn CPR etc. They say bad CPR is better than No CPR since the person is technically dead anyway. Way back when I did a course you had so many rescue breaths to chest compressions but now they seem to have knocked the breath bit off which seems weird to me as they need oxygen in there blood for the chest compresssions to pump round, surely?! Everywhere does things so differently which is what puts people off trying etc

  17. What is wrong with people…he can’t swim but goes into the sea at Bondi, which has big surfs, I’m glad he’s ok but it’s really ridiculous how many people drown or nearly drown because they can’t swim….do they think they can float if they get into deep water?!!!!!!

  18. Why don’t tourists get proper warning when they come to this beach? I watch this show a lot and it’s mostly tourists that get rescued.

  19. One time I went to the pool and went on the deep side of the pool even tho I couldn’t swim but I was holding on like a rail or something like that and my hands slipped. My heart started beeping fast so I tried to grab the railing before I drown and I got a grip of the railing. I was stupid of doing that but I was just a little girl when that happened.

  20. I have a true story to tell. Me and my twin sis went to the pool with our big brother. When we were playing in the water our big brother grabbed my oldest twin by the legs and put her upside down with her head underwater without any warning or anything so she couldn’t breath because she didnt have time to hold her breath but I was there and didn’t do anything I was just like ??. When he took her out of the water she kept choking because she couldn’t breath. So I told my brother why would you do that and I mumbled”your so stupid”. I didn’t know why I didn’t do anything but that happened when we were probably 6 or 7.

  21. I have a true story to tell. Me and my twin sis went to the pool with our big brother. When we were playing in the water our big brother grabbed my oldest twin by the legs and put her upside down with her head underwater without any warning or anything so she couldn’t breath because she didnt have time to hold her breath but I was there and didn’t do anything I was just like ??. When he took her out of the water she kept choking because she couldn’t breath. So I told my brother why would you do that and I mumbled”your so stupid”. I didn’t know why I didn’t do anything but that happened when we were probably 6 or 7.

  22. I have a true story to tell. Me and my twin sis went to the pool with our big brother. When we were playing in the water our big brother grabbed my oldest twin by the legs and put her upside down with her head underwater without any warning or anything so she couldn’t breath because she didnt have time to hold her breath but I was there and didn’t do anything I was just like ??. When he took her out of the water she kept choking because she couldn’t breath. So I told my brother why would you do that and I mumbled”your so stupid”. I didn’t know why I didn’t do anything but that happened when we were probably 6 or 7.

  23. I have a true story to tell. Me and my twin sis went to the pool with our big brother. When we were playing in the water our big brother grabbed my oldest twin by the legs and put her upside down with her head underwater without any warning or anything so she couldn’t breath because she didnt have time to hold her breath but I was there and didn’t do anything I was just like ??. When he took her out of the water she kept choking because she couldn’t breath. So I told my brother why would you do that and I mumbled”your so stupid”. I didn’t know why I didn’t do anything but that happened when we were probably 6 or 7.

  24. I have a true story to tell. Me and my twin sis went to the pool with our big brother. When we were playing in the water our big brother grabbed my oldest twin by the legs and put her upside down with her head underwater without any warning or anything so she couldn’t breath because she didnt have time to hold her breath but I was there and didn’t do anything I was just like ??. When he took her out of the water she kept choking because she couldn’t breath. So I told my brother why would you do that and I mumbled”your so stupid”. I didn’t know why I didn’t do anything but that happened when we were probably 6 or 7.

  25. I hope he didn’t suffer brain damage after being clinically dead for 5 minutes. Great job by the lifeguards for bringing him back.

  26. Firstly – If anyone was confused as to what real life HEROS are and what makes someone into one THIS IS IT!
    Secondly – people should not be permitted to swim at that location at high risk times and tides.
    Thirdly – I noticed that the life guards did an phenomenal job at saving that man’s life! perceivably better than the paramedics that came. makes me wonder how this guy faired out after being dead for 5 mins ??

    I was a little watery eyed up on this dramatic scene… naturally I want to prevent something like this from happening to a someone else at that location. probably a tourism money thing. money before lives is not cool blokes! change the law and stop the greed in your town.

    I have Been A pramedic on the streets for about 5 years now and that was some top notch care, no is going to get perfect hand placement like on a dummy but you guys where spot on! The bloke inserting the OPA did a stand up job !

  28. I know these boys have done this many times, but I honestly think that the anesthetist really helped when he slowed down the bagging.

  29. Glad the guy was brought back to life. I love this show but am amazed at how irresponsible non swimmers are. At least buy some arm bands or something ffs

  30. Did you see the amount of water coming out with each compression?! They had to remove the mask and turn him and it was like a waterfall. Absolutely incredible thing to witness. Hopefully he has no deficits.

  31. I hate the bystander affect… I guess I just see it differently since I’ve been a first responder for years but its like… All these people standing around are watching a man die…

  32. Dude on the BVM was definitely not his first rodeo. Strong work bro. Anyone bitching about their CPR has never ever been on a critical incident cause shit never goes perfect.

  33. I’m employed as an ocean lifeguard… I went into tech because OLing is one of the hardest jobs I’ll ever do. 8 foot surf and people will leave their 12-year-olds at the beach by themselves. You really learn how to deal with ignorant people.

  34. why the fuck are the people from all around surrounding him .. that’s so fucking stupid… would they like to have a circle of strangers around them themselves ? .. fuck

  35. when somebody is „clinically dead“ an AED wont do ANYTHING…….thats a fucking myth……and can lead to dangerous situation if that myth isnt cleared up……this is fucking fake mates

  36. thank you Lord Jesus for giving this man another chance at life. Thank you to every single person that gave everything to help rescucitate him. Aaaamazing work. ^5

    1. Stfu the anesthetist has much more experience than all of the lifeguards. They made the CPR much too fast, only the anesthetist made it at a correct/good speed.

  37. I’m a nurse and just watched this for the first time. This guy is so lucky to be alive. The amount of water in his lungs was astounding. As soon as they intubated him it started to pour out of his lungs. The water was coming out of his lungs not his stomach. All of these guys did an amazing job. They most definitely saved his life. Way to go!!

  38. these lifeguards were great because they brought him back to life. but one of the lifeguards is not wearing gloves and the patient is throwing up on his hands.

  39. THIS is the the type of shit that needs to be in trending. This is what I love to see. Helping each other out. Keeping each other alive.

  40. Wow this guys are great they care for people like it’s there own family this is great that people care for each other give a lot of credit to these guys may god bless you all guys great job man

  41. Regardless of who you are what your race is or what your political view may look like, at the end of the day we stand together and applaud for a heartbeat!!!

  42. I’m confused as to why the guy had some random run the defib down to him. There was a cart right there there and he could have drove it down faster than a sprint through sand. Can someone elaborate as to why this is??

  43. Now that’s how you do cpr. Hats off to these guys for saving this guys life, and I’m sure many others. Their training kicks in immediately and they handled the situation, excellent ! Saved a life!!

  44. 5: 45 who else sees the one person get their surf bored and be like ok I’m done he awake everything is okay” LIKE SERIOUSLY!!

  45. I like how the guys like omg what happend and he’s like I’m just going to smirk at 1:53 XD I hope the mans ok he also smirking at 41 seconds XD I’ll call you sir smirks a lot

  46. Honest question here, and am totally not hating on the cot technique! I am no expert, but come from a family with dozens of emts, doctors, and paramedics sprinkled throughout, and while I know CPR is a rough process that can crack and break ribs, is the rate of compression not a bit rapid? I’ve been told to compress to beat of “Stayin’ Alive” many times by my medically trained family members. Are there circumstances in which faster compressions are the better method, such as this? I’d love to find out, if anyone knows.

  47. Glad he is ok, On another note, How can one not know how to swim? Kids I understand, but once you hit like 13, 14, I mean come on….. It isn’t rocket science…. Right, Left, Right, Left, and don’t stop kicking…… I am not a good swimmer by any means, But I can get from one end of the pool to the other as a child, and had no issues while in the Pacific….

  48. I hate how people circle around the incident..
    Its like..bro..seriously?
    Its not like there is a massive tree with 5 million dollars on it..

  49. I hate how people circle around the incident..
    Its like..bro..seriously?
    Its not like there is a massive tree with 5 million dollars on it..

  50. I hate how people stand around and watch like that, some with their phones out??….
    Give the rescuers some damn space… Bunch of sheep.

  51. I worked for a number of years outdoors. I’m fine admitting the first time I had an emergency I definitely panicked a bit. There was a ton of blood involved, serious lacerations etc. It’s sad because all these armchair MDs and EMTs would just fumble around while someone died.

  52. Honestly this made me so emotional. My heart is beating so fast it gave me anxiety. I’m so glad he’s alive. But it makes me so sad thinking about how many other people have died from this

  53. i like this thing
    right know im studying about emergency situation
    all of this is real and the proper management

    and anathestist cant do shit in here without proper equipment. what they need first is primary survey

  54. Beforw thay do the cpr til the guy/woman to the side so you get the whater out from the lungs. And that the thing moste of people forget.

  55. My word these guys don’t fuck around. They don’t pay these heroes enough. Great job guys. Much respect from your brothers and sisters from America.

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