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Soul Train LIne Dance to Curtis Mayfield Get Down

15 Responses

  1. Yes Black was fun back then. Not fighting against one another. That’s what I’m talking about. Not like now. Fighting against. snow another. That’s not cool. I’m 62 going. On 63 years. old, and people said that, I Don’t look my age, at all. that’ makes me fell good to know that. Soul Train is my thing, seeing all the young people dance, and all. The singer sing like Stephine Mills sing The. Temptations The Jackson 5 Whitney Houston Earth. Wind. and Fire James. Brown Luther Vandross Freddie Jackson Malba More, and many many more. I love Soul Train. My father didn’t care. for. Soul Train. He would always. talk about black people, which that. wasn’t right But I didn’ting care l love S oil. Train, and. how the young black people dance, and the singer, and group. I would get up early in the morning to see the Jackson5 cartoon, then Soul Train, at 11″00 on channel 5. then Soul Train start coming on at 12:00 noon then Soul Train start comming. On channel 11. I miss Soul Train, so very much. then. look at American Ban Stand. at 1:00, on channel 7. with. Dick Clark. white young people. at that time then black was on American. Ban Stand . Now White, and white together on American Ban. Stand. I miss. Dick Clark. I do Remeber Little Anthany, and The Imperos at that. time. Frankie Value, and. The Four Seaonal. The Jackson 5 The Four Tops The Temptations. The. Surpemes Mary Wells Martha Reeves. and the Vandellas, The Marverlettes. Now those were the days.

  2. Love it love it love it. Off to a 70s disco tonight (UK) with other teenagers from the 70s. & where better to pick up some new moves than the 70s Soul Train line ! Only problem is my my creaking white limbs won’t have the rhythm of these boys & girls…. Won’t stop me trying though !

  3. thank you so much to the person Who posted this on the net, this sont is great and give so much Joy, it’s amazing. great sont! thanks

  4. Back in the day when black music was GREAT – unlike the shit around today – rap/gangsta/R&B (sic) – black artists today have totally forsaken their past culture

    1. Stop embarrassing yourself by commenting on black culture from a self loathing perspective.
      If you hate yourself and your own culture, just admit it.

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