Corey the Bluebottle Experiment Subject! | Best of Bondi Rescue
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Your favourite lifeguards are back!
Bondi Rescue’s seven-time Logie winning lifeguards return to TEN 8pm Mondays!
Taking the viewers on their journey through mass rescues, resuscitations, shark sightings, and all number of the weird and wonderful experiences Bondi dishes up.
Bondi Rescue has attracted huge international interest and is distributed worldwide – US, UK, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Denmark and New Zealand – just to name a few. There is no doubt, Bondi Rescue embodies the Australian larrikin spirit, while celebrating the sheer sportsmanship and professionalism of the lifeguards — those unsung heroes of our best asset – the beach.
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What’s that white tablet?
Thanks, Rebecca Salisbury!
DJ Loco its fine
DJ Loco Aspro-clear, kinda like asprin
Tyrene Hamilton Thanks, Tyrene!
DJ Loco that’s a-okay buddy have a great nights sleep
one time i was at the beach and there was like 100 bluebottles
It is not the deadliest
Diamond Miner640 it’s far from deadly
What form of pain killer tablet is he rubbing on the arm? It’s difficult to hear what product he mentions.
I got stung by one of those today
HypoCheese the pain also went up form my knee to my thigh
HypoCheese haha, I felt some kind of cramp in my leg pit. looks like it has something to do with joints.
HypoCheese tank you for sharing your great experience! haha I was wrong, so it doesn’t really matter how big it is. my stung was kinda fun, because before that day I knew nothing about them, even that was the first time I saw one, and my uncle told me that those are extremely dangerous and if you get stung you would die in matter of minutes, XD so when I got stung I thought I was done, but said: “hey, it’s supposed that I’m gonna die, but the pain is not that terrible” when I told him I was stung by the deadly creature he started to laugh and told me that he was just kidding?
HR10 same! But I didn’t take the pain as well because it hurt so much
the pain depends exactly on where you are stung and by how much you are stung. for example a sting to the face is excruciating due to the high amount of nerves in that area. I have experienced this before and the pain will quickly across your head even to your gums and teeth.
I got stung by one ,and it left red spots on the sting
i have herd the blue bottel can kill you and did you fill sick it can also be piosonus
Corey and Hoppo are insanely hot!
Iv got stun before and I was screaming it was on me for about 1min and then I peeled it of and I got stun out of the water. The water washed the bluebottle to to shore and there were 1000’s of bluebottles, the best way to treat it is hot water to make it numb by killing the sting and a bluebottle can sting 1/9 hours plz take my advice and use hot water at the first aid or home
being lifesavers and dealing with sea creatures you would think they would know that hot water as hot as you can bare is the best treatment for marine stings
check my version of this!
I’ve never been stung by a bluebottle
I get stung by these a lot when ever I got to Durban in South Africa
Fuck volunteering for that… blue bottles are the reason I do not go To the beach anymore
I miss them
i thought it said the butthole experiment
Back in 2015 I was stung by one of these guys and I passed out and I really don’t remember what happen next…..I think I regain my conscious after 1 hour and my leg was blur,red and all sorts of wired colours and it was swelled…….you don’t wanna get stung by one of these and if you are in Australia you’ll incounter hundreds of these things !!!
But seagulls have gone off them after the investigation of the hot chip ??
Lauren M *invention not investigatoon but I agree that bit cracket me up
The mouth thoo (sideways)
Just cut off the stinger
Then yak it home and use it as a squishy
I had one wrap it’s stingers around my arm and I didn’t know what it was and that it even had stingers so the stingers were on me for more than 5 minutes. I felt my chest get very tight and the pain was really bad. I found the gasoline actually helped. That’s what the life guard poured on my arm and it helped more than vinegar.
how come when I got stung there were multiple tentacles on my bluebottle?
I don’t understand why the guy would volunteer for this. Mate, kill me.
Im a wimp I got stung on my hand and it hurt so bloody bad first time to I’m pretty afraid to get stung again
What about Pee? we pee on Jelly fish stings here lol
Cuz he is a man and has balls