AWESOME GIRL pumps out 20 Chin Ups | Chrissie | Bondi Beach

Chrissie trains for sprint canoe – not body building. If you think she is not using correct form, range or technique, don’t judge her; just please post a clip of you doing more reps with ‘correct ‘ or ‘better’ form and lead by example.
Please check out my extreme body weight / calisthenic tutorials:
Human Flag –
Muscle Up –
Front Lever –
One Arm Chin Up – and many more to come!

For more great tips, pics and training tutorials, visit my:
Instagram: @marcusbondibeach


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30 Responses

  1. This lady is “da bomb”! Fuck all u limp wristed haters! She schools all of you kipping homos! She could extend more and stabilize her lower half- however, she exhibits much greater form than 99% of the ass clowns and “Kipping” fools on Youtube!

  2. the statement “If you think she is not using correct form, range or technique, don’t judge her”
    doesn’t make any sense, cause those 20 pull ups can at most be equivalent to 12-15 correct pull ups. The standard technique is the point when comparing pull ups and when making comparisons in general.

  3. That’s only PART of the statement – the rest is “just please post a clip of you doing more reps with ‘correct ‘ or ‘better’ form” which makes sense – so please post your clip of you doing more and we won’t judge you, either! Cheers bro!

  4. still can’t get your point.
    So, i can’t say someone is playing wrong the guitar unless I can play better than him/her?

    Anyway…very very good for a girl.

  5. who is better? somebody doing many pullups but with an “uncorrect” form or somebody doing less pullups but with a “correct” form?

  6. Where is she now? I would love to see her progress! That doesn’t mean I’m not impressed with her performance here! Yep, not the perfect form kind of pull ups, but better than most pull up videos I’ve seen on Youtube, and I’ve seen A LOT! (guys’ videos included). Awesome job Chris!

  7. Everyone is welcome to train with us – we have a big session on the 1st Sunday of each month at midday at Nth Bondi Outdoor gym! And yes, you are welcome to demonstrate your pull ups to those with poor form! (But if you want to impress everyone – work on your muscle-ups and one arm chins) Cheers!

  8. Uh, seriously. I may not agree with everything Marcus does or how he goes about things….but he is in ridiculous shape. Earlier this year I saw him do ten reverse muscle ups, flag, one armed chinups, everything.

    You will be SERIOUSLY embarrassed if you try and compete with that guy unless you can do ten reverse muscles ups cleanly and smoothly and one armed chinups. Really.

    If you to the Bondi area with that attitude…well. You will look ridiculous. The guys there are WAY beyond normal.

  9. It’s funny how all the guys are “dressed to impress” without their shirts on and they are just standing around and some are just eye balling the pretty lady (which IS understandable!), but she’s the only one doing any work! She could be my workout partner any time and I know she would push me to my limits. Cool vid.

  10. Impressive. Her form was pretty good. Elbows didn’t lock out and there was slight use of momentum. That probably only resulted in a few extra reps though.

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